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A "Very Mindful" Trademark Filing


According to TMZ,

A new TikTok trend could soon become someone's potential cash cow ... and in a very demure, very mindful way. For anyone who has been on the internet recently, particularly TikTok, it's been nearly impossible not to be bombarded with "Very Demure, Very Mindful" trending posts and now someone is making a move to lock up the rights to the catchphrase.

According to new legal docs obtained by TMZ, someone named Jefferson Bates in Washington State filed docs to trademark "Very Demure .. Very Mindful .."The trendy phrase started earlier this month with a TikTok post from a Chicago-based content creator who goes by the handle Jools LeBron (PICTURED ABOVE)

Unclear if Jools is behind the trademark -- their government name is not known -- but as we previously noted, the person filing lists a Washington state address ... and uses a phone number with a Nevada area code ... while Jools is apparently based in the Windy City

Whoever it is behind the trademark app, they want to use it for advertising, marketing and promotional services ... according to the docs.

If this mark was indeed NOT filed by Jools, lets hope she quickly hires a trademarkm attorney to file the mark on her behalf should she plan on taking full advantage of the profitable potential it may have for her.

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