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Federal Trademark Application

Federal Trademark Application


Why build a brand and leave it unprotected, at extreme risk of being stolen from you!? Protect your business/ brand by allowing us to file your trademark application your work immediately!


The trademark registration cost of $1,399.99 includes the filing fee to the US Government. Search of the United States Patent and Trademark Database and all 50 states' database An Official Legal Opinion Letter regarding the mark and its strength Preparation of the file and monitoring of your trademark application Responding to all procedural actions from the USPTO, and forward updates immediately to client(s).

  • Legal Policy, Terms and Agreements


    Once a trademark is purchased, and our team begins the trademark process immediately. Clients  will be emailed the intake form and welcome guide instantly via the email address clients purchase the service using.   If we have began the trademark process, which occurs immediately upon payment, the most refund the client can receive back is the price paid minus $350.00. This amount is not guaranteed when requested, but only provided when the client has not yet completed the initial intake form. The refund may be less if we have performed multiple trademark searches on the client's behalf, after the first two searches, each additional search will cost $100, if a refund is requested prior to filing. We will not provide a full refund after we have begun working on your trademark process.

    Once a trademark is submitted to the USPTO office,  there is no option for a refund. The client agrees to this understanding, to these services, and agrees to this policy by submitting payment via our website and submitting their intake form to our firm for representation. 

    Attorney Representation

    By purchasing our trademark service, you are consenting to allowing our entire firm to work on your trademark application. Our staff members include attorneys, paralegals and administrative staff. Kyona McGhee, although she is our founding attorney, she is not the only attorney in our office and your application may or may not be assigned directly to her for filing.  

    Service Rendered: 

    When purchasing the trademark services, The McGhee Law Firm, PLLC,  Kyona McGhee, Esq, and the office staff therein, are not consenting to representation throughout the entire trademark process beyond the selected service. The service fee covers the precise and only the exact service listed in the description of the store product page. Services beyond the listed description should not be expected from The McGhee Law Firm nor will they be performed without an additional payment and agreement for services.

    Please read our full legal terms and agreements here.  

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